Lambeth Bridge

Discover memorial gardens, art galleries and historic buildings and admire the winding River Thames from this arched bridge.

Although less well-known than many of London’s other Thames crossings, Lambeth Bridge offers one compelling reason to visit: the views of the capital from here are superb. Admire London sights, such as the Victoria Tower Gardens, from this vehicle and foot bridge and explore pretty memorial gardens, art galleries and other historic London buildings at either end.

The present bridge structure, designed by British civil engineer Sir George W. Humphreys and architects Sir Reginald Blomfield and G. Topham Forrest, was completed in 1932. Note the use of steel, cast-iron and granite in the construction as well as the bridge’s red paint scheme, a reference to the red-leather benches in the nearby House of Lords. The adjacent Westminster Bridge is painted green, representing the green-colored seats of the House of Commons.

Stroll, drive or take a bus across the bridge and try to spot the city’s iconic sights. The bridge affords great views of recognizable landmarks such as the London Eye and Big Ben.

Venture to the west end of Lambeth Bridge to reach Victoria Tower Gardens, a public park housing Auguste Rodin’s cast of the sculpture The Burghers of Calais. The park also contains Buxton Memorial Fountain, commemorating the work of anti-slavery campaigner Thomas Fowell Buxton, and the Emmeline Pankhurst Memorial, which pays homage to the late suffragette leader.

Find Westminster Abbey, a church known for its stunning Gothic architecture, at the northwest end of the gardens. The Houses of Parliament (Palace of Westminster) are also just north of the gardens. Head south of the gardens to see the headquarters of MI5, the U.K.’s counter intelligence agency. Continue south from here to visit Tate Britain, a world-class gallery where the collection features artworks by lauded artists, including nearly 2,500 works by English Romantic landscape painter Joseph Mallord William Turner.

To get to Lambeth Bridge, ride the Tube to Westminster station and walk to the western end of the bridge in less than 15 minutes. Alternatively, walk to the bridge from Lambeth North Tube station in about the same time.