Zekreet Beach

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West of Doha, this beach is a great place to get away from the city, relax in solitude and enjoy Qatar’s unique desert and ocean setting.

To experience Qatar’s natural beauty away from its modern cities, visit Zekreet Beach on the western coastline. Here the wildlife, undeveloped land, remnants of historic settlement and lack of amenities offer a welcome contrast to the pampered city lifestyle.

The beach itself is sandy in spots and covered in bits of crab and oyster shells in others. Bring water shoes if you’ll be wading in the surf and a sun umbrella for shade on the sand. A shallow shelf here makes the area safe for kids, but also means swimming near shore is not possible. Gaze out to sea where kite-surfers may be flying past on windy days.

Stroll along the shoreline to see some of the area’s unusual rock formations. Winds carrying desert sands have worn away the limestone in spots leaving jutting overhangs. Look for the clusters of rocks that are abandoned madabes, where ancient settlers pressed dates to make juice. You might see oryx, ostriches or flamingos on your walk.

The bright lights of Doha’s many shopping malls, tall towers and wide streets create beautiful nighttime views. However, that illumination also results in light pollution that extremely limits stargazing near the city. Plan to camp near Zekreet Beach for a phenomenal experience in desert darkness. Enjoy the solitude as you watch the sun set over the ocean between Qatar and Bahrain and the stars rise above the rock formations. Bring photo equipment to capture images of the sunset and the Milky Way.

Drive to Zekreet in about 1 hour from Doha or 20 minutes from Dukhan on the western coast. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is best for continuing on to Zekreet Beach, which is another 40 to 50 minutes north on a peninsula jutting into the Persian Gulf. The beach, also known as Ras Abrouq Beach, is always open and free to access. Visit Zekreet Fort, Film City and Richard Serra’s East-West/West-East art installation while you are in this area.

Note that the beach area has no shops, changing rooms or even restrooms. Bring plenty of water and all the supplies you might need for the day.

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