Aquarium of Niagara

Come along to feed the penguins, clap along with the sea lions and discover the fascinating secrets of the creatures of the deep.

Good things come in small packages and this is certainly true for the Aquarium of Niagara. Perched on the United-States side of Niagara Falls this aquarium is a stone’s throw from Niagara Falls Park and definitely worth a visit.Featuring over 1,500 diverse marine animals, ranging from poison dart frogs to spiky sturgeon, it’s clear that the ethos of this diminutive aquarium is to educate and entertain in equal measure. Enthusiastic trainers are always on hand to inform visitors about the rescued marine life that now call the aquarium their home.Wander the interior and marvel at the many different species of sea creatures from stealthy sharks and predatory piranhas to cuddly penguins and comic sea lions. Explore a myriad of pristine tanks that contain captivating sea creatures from the four corners of the ocean. Look carefully through glass of the octopus tank and see if you can spot this shy creature hiding behind his rock. Pay special attention to the seahorse exhibit as it is one of the most popular attractions in the aquarium. Quietly observe these gentle creatures as they change colour to blend with their environment.It’s feeding time at the zoo! Grab a bucket and make your way to the outdoor pool at the front near the entrance where hungry Humboldt penguins and harbour seals eagerly await. Hand feeding these creatures is a real treat so don’t miss it.Both adults and children will get a real kick out of the aquatic live shows where sea lions perform a host of crowd-pleasing tricks. Make your way to the top of the stairs for a bird’s-eye view of the pool below. Clap along with these talented animals as they demonstrate their excellent dancing and balancing skills. For an enriching and memorable experience, book one of the Sea Lion Encounters. These one-on-one sessions give visitors a rare opportunity to get close to and learn about Californian sea lions and Harbour seals. This is truly rewarding so make sure to schedule it in!