Govett-Brewster Art Gallery

Discover why New Plymouth is one of New Zealand’s cultural capitals. Inspire your own creativity at this award-winning contemporary art gallery.

Explore the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery to discover high quality, engaging contemporary art from New Zealand and around the world. Originally opened in 1970 in the old Regent Theatre, the gallery has been one of the country’s premier art galleries ever since and has developed a strong international reputation.

The gallery displays a substantial permanent collection of paintings, photography, video and installations. Learn about New Zealand’s pre-colonial history and culture with the collection of Maori and Pacific art available. Embrace your artistic side by checking out the gallery’s active program of tours, talks, workshops, films, performances and music.

Marvel at the peculiar curtain-like façade of the Len Lye Centre, which is constructed from curved steel and seems almost fluid as it reflects and transmits light. Having opened its doors in 2015, this center is adjacent to the original Govett-Brewster building and is one of very few galleries in New Zealand dedicated to one artist. The large collection of experimental films, kinetic sculptures and other artworks by Len Lye justifies his position as one of New Zealand’s most venerated and globally recognised artists. Watch an art house film at the cinema inside the center, which regularly hosts screenings.

Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and lunch in Monica’s Eatery, adjacent to the gallery. Using repurposed materials in an edgy but comfortable environment, the café offers a memorable dining experience. The atmosphere is inspired by the life and spirit of Monica Brewster, who was a women’s rights advocate and the founding patron of the gallery.

After leaving the gallery, visit the iconic Wind Wand on the coastal path nearby. Towering high over New Plymouth, this immense and iconic kinetic sculpture was also designed by Len Lye.

The Govett-Brewster Art Gallery is open daily, except Tuesdays, and has no admission fee. Walk here from most of the city’s tourist sites, accommodations and eating options in the city center of New Plymouth.