Sandy Neck Beach

Breathtaking views and a rich variety of wildlife along this barrier beach make it a worthwhile trip any time of year. 

Sandy Neck Beach is prized for its seclusion and for the journey that separates it from the rest of the area. As you leave the beach and travel southward inland, you will encounter precious sand dunes and maritime forests. Proceed on hiking trails into areas reachable only by foot. Here, find unforgettable views of marshlands and the ocean.

When you visit Sandy Neck Beach, take hikes along the trails that run into these dune, wetland and forest areas. Avoid deviating from the paths, which have been carefully planned to minimize environmental damage from foot travel.

Look for gulls and crows emerging from clumps of bayberry, beach plum and sea rocket. Observe an owl flying overhead to his perch leeward of a bluff. Mollusk shells are hidden among rocks that have weathered millennia. Skip stones out onto the surface of the breaking waves. If you’re lucky, you may even spot a diamondback terrapin.

Like most of Cape Cod, the water at Sandy Neck Beach ranges from a deep marine blue to a clear jade. Its warmth and gentle surf make the shore perfect for frolicking in the small waves or cooling your ankles in the shallow water. Stroll down the length of this coast and enjoy the views of green vegetation on one side and a calming horizon on the other. Feel the moist sand sink under your feet as you walk along a sandbar at low tide.

Sandy Neck Beach is 8 miles (12.8 kilometers) from Barnstable. Check ahead for parking fees and RV parking.

Because of its rockier shores, Sandy Neck Beach is free of big crowds, making it a natural choice for a sunrise or sunset viewing experiences. Set a blanket down on beach grass and sea rocket and relax in a moment of peaceful bliss. You may drift into a long, undisturbed nap.